
Miranda Hebert, CPAT-KA

(Certified Professional Animal Trainer - Knowledge Assessed)

Miranda Hebert is an expertly-proficient animal training & behavior technician with over 17 years of hands-on animal training experience, and 8 years working as a professional consultant.

She has worked with a variety of animal species and always looks forward to adding more to her list. She considers her skills in animal training and behavior analysis second only to her motivation for infinite learning—so long as it speaks to the 'nitty-gritty' applied science of behavior, or benefits the holistic wellness of the species she works with in order to better contribute to protecting and improving their lives through her work.

She is an advocate for live animal representation on screen and in popularized media, viewing this as an integral piece of protecting animal welfare through realistic depictions of animal behavior, expression, and inspiring heights of their true abilities. Towards this end she is active in the film/tv/media industry supporting ethical training of animals for their roles.

Miranda never wants to see a world where humans and animals can't coexist to the mutual benefit and support of each other's wellness, and has found her greatest strengths rooted in her experience teaching and learning from animals.


"Science attracts those who are curious—not judgmental.

The science of behavior teaches us to take an objective perspective. It understands that all experiences and feelings are valid. That 'behavior is the study of one.' It reminds us that the individual is the greatest teacher of themselves. That the function of applied behavior science is to listen, to observe, and to accept what is there however it may be. As only then can we work to support each individual in fulfilling their needs, and meeting their goals.

If you identify as being or having experience with any of the following terminology, and all else otherwise from your unique lived experience, consider this your direct invitation to allow yourself to feel safe reaching out and working together with me." —Miranda

600+ Hours Of Education

Across the many lenses of Behaviorology, including; Applied Behavior Analysis, Ethology, Physiology, Neuroscience, Cognition, Genetics, Health & Nutrition, Consulting & Education... and more!

... and many, many others!

Are you an industry professional and need the nitty-gritty? I get it. Contact me to get your professional questions answered.